Be Sassy with Fiber

Dear Friends,

Do you ever feel this way?

I always read about fiber! It seems impossible to get so much in just one day. Another impossible to-do list on my busy schedule…Fiber is everywhere…I’m obsessed with it.

What is Fiber?

As it’s a special type of carbohydrate that passes through our digestive system unchanged, we don’t have to worry about calories due to fiber intake! It’s broken down in the colon – the main part of the large intestine – by bacteria and the organic acids produced help nourish the lining of the colon.

Two Types of Fiber

You might have heard about two types of fiber – one known as soluble fiber and the other, insoluble fiber.

Soluble fiber forms a gel when mixed with liquid (water) and it can be found mostly in beans, oat bran, flax seed, cereals and fruits.

Insoluble fiber passes through our intestine intact. Foods such as wheat bran, whole grain cereals and vegetables (green beans, dark green leafy vegetables), seeds and nuts, fruit skins and root vegetable skins, tend to be low in fat and high in fiber.

Ready to get healthy?

Contact Debbie today for a Nutrition Consultation!

Mix and Match Fiber

I enjoy “mixing and matching” these vegetables in a hot or a cold dish. If I want something hot, then I’ll grate the rainbow carrots and beets, toss together with coarsely chopped arugula and spinach leaves, maybe add some sliced tomatoes. Calories add up with our traditional dressings so you might want to try just vinegar, lemon juice and some spices for a no-calorie treat.

Benefits of Fiber

  • Promotes regular bowel movement and prevents constipation
  • Removes toxic waste through the colon quicker
  • Maintains a healthy intestine
  • Decreases cholesterol levels by lowering LDL or “bad cholesterol” protecting our heart
  • Maintains sugar levels stable by decreasing the absorption of sugars – a plus for diabetics
  • Helps us lose weight – high fiber foods fill us up so we’re not hungry as often

Fiber Needs

The national recommendations for adults include approximately 25-35 grams per day. It’s not easy to consume that much fiber on a daily basis so start to read labels, eat more fresh produce (5-9 small servings) or a combination of beans, whole grain cereals, fruits and vegetables for overall health.

Share your Comments:

What are you doing to eat more fiber?

About Debbie

Debbie Polisky, MS, MBA, CLT is a Bilingual Nutritionist, Zumba Instructor, Wellness Consultant and Adjunct Faculty who uses mind and body techniques, such as mindfulness, stress management, exercise, dance/zumba, yoga and nutrition to improve the lives of patients, students and the community. She has over 20 years of experience in the healthcare field, in two countries, Argentina and in USA and in her two native languages, English and Spanish.